
Soil Bioremediation

Soil Bioremediation

Soil bioremediation is relatively more advanced in Europe than in the United States owing, in part, to the relative scarcity of land for disposal of toxic contaminants. The Company's technology for soil decontamination has proven to be effective and economically viable in Germany in more than 90 assignments to clean more than 650,000 metric tons of soil contaminated with hydrocarbons, phenols, PCBs and dioxin. The methodology has been evaluated by the independent DVGW Forschungsstelle Institute which is charged by the German government to monitor soil clean up. Their evaluations have concluded that the technology is "an elegant and unique decontamination method for organic hydrocarbons."

Since 1990, soil bioremediation has become widely used in the United States and accounts for an increasing share of the soil clean up market. In many circumstances it is the only economically viable alternative. The PureAg/EcoSens technology already provides technical and economic improvement over other soil washing approaches. Complementary technologies from organizations which have developed improved strains of bacteria (microbes) or systems of nutrient supplementation has generated additional application opportunities and cost reductions in existing applications of the Company's Product.