PureAg Products
About Us
What are PureAg Products?
PureAg Products were developed to solve the lost relationships between the soil and the micro-organisms that make nutrients available to the plants.
For centuries man has tilled the earth, planted seeds, watered and grown a crop. Then fertilizer was introduced in the form of manure and compost, with this, crops grew better; they were richer in nutrients and the soils were easier to work. World War II brought about the age of chemical fertilizer, these were man-made fertilizers that sent production farming into a whole new dimension. Crop yields increased making it possible to grow more on fewer acres. Progress continued with the development of chemical herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, soil penitents, soil surfactants, soil fumigation, salt-based fertilizers, and the list goes on.
Each of these new developments solved some of the old problems, but with huge sacrifices? Every year farmers are faced with new challenges. Most of the problems they face can be traced back to some of the cultivation practices that have been compounding the problem in their soil over the last 60 years.
The fundamental foundation of all plant growth comes down to the medium in which it is grown. However, not one particular type of soil is ideal for all plants. Some plants require a high pH soil while others need a
low pH. Some plants like soils with good drainage while others thrive in very wet soils. Every crop or plant also has some different nutrient needs. These nutrients mainly come from the soil.
The cycles that permit nutrients to flow from soil to plant are interdependent and proceed only with help of the soil community. Soil microorganisms are the key link between mineral resources and plant growth. Soils contain five major groups of microorganisms: bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, algae, and protozoa.
The bacteria are most prominent, because, of the many different populations in a given soil, they are the most abundant group, usually more numerous than the other four combined. Although the other groups carry out many changes, similar to those of bacteria, the bacteria stand out because of their capacity for rapid growth and fast decomposition many natural materials.
Understanding the cause and effect of these practices and selecting microorganisms to combat these effects has led us to the development of the PureAg Products Systems. Our philosophy and products are based on these natural organic delivery systems created by microbiologic activity in soil and water.
PureAg believes all farming needs to be sustainable. We understand the only sustainable form of farming comes from products that are economically viable – if it is not profitable it is certainly not sustainable. We also understand that the products need to be easy to use and socially supportive because the quality of life of farmers, farm families, and farm communities is important. Lastly, and maybe most importantly, it needs to be ecologically sound. We must preserve the resource base that sustains us all. We are after all just stewards of the earth. These are our passions and the driving forces behind the design of our products.
Please call or email for pricing. 801-651-3201 / info@pureagproducts.com
PureAg Simple Soil Solution establishes healthy microorganisms that decompose organic matter, promote deep root development, improve soil permeability and provide plants with nutrition, moisture and resistance to pests.
When you reestablish healthy microorganisms in the soil, farm productivity goes up and costs are cut by eliminating pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

Active Ingredients: 54%
19 Mycorrhizal Fungi Species
17 Bacterial Species
Inert Ingredients: 46%
Molasses, Lactose, Dextrose
5 Gallon Bucket / 35 lbs
1 Gallon Bucket / 7 lbs
16 oz Jars / 14.5 oz
8 oz Jars / 8 oz

Endomycorrhizae: Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae, Glomus aggregatum Glomus etunicatum / Ectomycorrhizae: Rhizopogon villosullus, Rhizopogon luteolus, Rhizopogon amylopogon, Rhizopogon fulvigleba, Pisolithus tinctorius, Scleroderma cepa, Scleroderma citrinum / Bacterial species: Bacillus Subtillis sp.1-4, B. pumilus, B. megaterium,
B. licheniformis, B. azotoformans, B. coagulans,
B. thuringiensis, B. licheniformis,
B. amloliquefaciens, Paenibacillus polymyxa, Paenibacillus Durum, Azotobacter chroococcum, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Pseudomonas aureofaciens, Pseudomonas fluorescens
16 oz Jars / 14.5 oz
8 oz Jars / 8 oz
PureHydro provides beneficial biology, both microbes, and fungi, that will dominate and suppress the pathogenic biology. Our proprietary blend of beneficial bacteria and fungi colonize nutrient solutions and root zones to suppress most of the root diseases encountered in hydroponics.
PureHydro provides beneficial organisms that are instrumental in supplying the plant's unique nutritional needs.
PureAg Pest Control immediately impacts the exoskeleton structure of the pest upon contact by disrupting the molecular structure of the chitin and other protein substances that protect the insect. Unlike standard insecticides, no built-in resistance can be developed by the targeted insects because PureAg Pest Control acts on the nervous system rather than on the respiratory apparatus.

100% Bio-Based Ingredients:
Alkanolamines, amino acids, lemongrass oil, garlic oil, cedar oil, thyme oil, clove oil, peppermint oil, wintergreen oil, palm oil, rosemary oil, nonionic surfactants plant-based fatty acids and organic alcohol in a base of colloidal micelles. Contains no hazardous components.
This product must be diluted with water in order to work properly.
1 Gallon Bottle
32 oz Bottle
8 oz Bottle
4 oz Bottle

Active Ingredients: 54%
19 Mycorrhizal Fungi Species
17 Bacterial Species
Inert Ingredients: 46%
Molasses, Lactose, Dextrose
5 Gallon Bucket / 35 lbs
1 Gallon Bucket / 7 lbs
16 oz Jars / 14.5 oz
8 oz Jars / 8 oz
PureAg Foliar Feeder diffuses into the plant's cells, providing energy and nourishment to the plant cell, which in turn increases the level of sugar production as it photosynthesizes. When higher sugar levels are achieved, overall plant health is improved, plant production increases and the plant has a better ability to defend itself from attacks by pest and pathogens.
We have a dedicated staff who always puts customer satisfaction first. They go above and beyond in all situations.
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