
"Our Soil Performed Better"
RUSSELL KENNISON - Winimucca, Nevada

This year our soil preformed better than in any year past. The turf matured faster and was better quality with a lot less fertilizer used.

"Helped Our Salt Problem"
ANDY BURNETT - Brawley, California

Andy has been farming alfalfa for over 30 years on his farm in the Imperial Valley of California. He has seen a decline in production for years, while using more fertilizer and more water. Before using PureAg’s Soil Products, Andy’s alfalfa plants were stressed, their roots were short, impaired and unable to use all of the available nutrients in the soil. PureAg Product’s have tremendously helped the salt problem on his ground. The soil opened up so that the salt could be taken down and drained away. "I can now get a stand. Going from 65% to 90+% stand is a dramatic improvement. Next year it will be even better. I have been happy with the results."

"We Are Getting Quite A Following"

Neighbors stop and ask, “What are you guys doing?”

"The custom harvester that cuts our hay for several years has seen a change. He saw what we are doing and now he is using microbes on his fields. I’ve got some friends that are using it now and we are getting quite a following around here. If someone is successful you want to be part of that same team. We think it’s kind of fun to do that. It’s nice to think that you are on the cutting edge of what’s happening rather than be back in the ‘Dark Ages’, you know. PureAg Products will be part of our farming experience as long as I will be around."

"The Dairy Guys Love Your Hay"
KARLL - Delta, Utah

"Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it, because the dairy guys love your hay,” says hay broker...

"I started using the microbial approach right from the start. I noticed changes slowly happening the first year and by the second and third year we eliminated water runoff completely. We got the water down where it needed to be and we now run the pivots at 12%."

And as a benefit to increased water retention, the hay yield increased from the five to six ton/acre range to seven ton/acre, with many fields as high as 7.5 tons/acre.

Most all of his hay goes to the dairy market in Jerome, Idaho. When asked, “What do the buyers of your hay notice about it?” Karl responded, “My hay broker says our hay is more palatable. He told me, whatever you are doing, keep doing it, because the dairy guys love your hay."

"The Ground Is Opening Up"
GARY SCHURTZ - Delta, Utah

"The ground was hard – tough as nails and it just wouldn't let the water down. We had water run-off on some fields and ponding in others. Something had to be done. We heard that microbials could help solve this dilemma and began using them about seven years ago. We noted several specific benefits: First of all, water retention is much better; it absorbs into the ground quickly. There is no water run-off going into the drain ditches. There are no more ponds at the ends of the fields like there used to be. It makes me a better farmer because I’m not wasting water."

"The ground is opening up and makes the fertilizer more accessible. I apply about the same amount of fertilizer as I always have but the microbial activity causes the nutrients to be released. The nutrients get to the roots better and the hay comes back a lot sooner."

"Oh yeah, it (the microbials) pays for itself. To me it doesn’t cost that much for what you get out of it. When we started at 4 tons/acre and now are producing 6 tons/acre, that’s really helped a lot. I’m happy with the product."

"Three Highest Yields"
ALVIN HARRIS - Washington State

The following report is the result of work done with Alvin Harris, a farmer in Washington State:

Alvin produced the three highest yields in the irrigated division of the National Corn Contest. The average of his three conventional circles ranged from 270 to 275 bu/ac. Alvin applied biologicals to one circle planted to 13 different numbered and experimental varieties that average 305 bushels per acre. The results measured from that circle are attributed to the biological soil conditioner.

• Contest entries produced 328, 331 and 332 bu/ac
• Blow sand are’s were stabilized
• Experimental varieties produced 366 and 377 bu/ac
• Runoff was eliminated
• Only 2.51 inches of water were used
(rainfall = 2.1 and center pivot = 23.43)
• pH moved down from 7.7 to 7.3
• Organic matter increased from .55 % to 1 %

We have observed the following responses to the biological soil program in the Columbia Basin:

• Eliminates runoff
• Stabilizes sandy soil
• Biodegrades toxic residues
• Increases soil energy system
• Neutralizes salts
• Eliminates subsoiling
• Stabilizes fertilizers
• Increases quality
• Increases water holding capacity
• Increases yield
• Reduces disease pressures

How Alvin Harris compares to all other Baton & Franklin County entries reported in the Pioneer Yield Report.